Comfortable using Chat GPT
Using the web version of chat GPT can cause network errors and slowness.
Here is a way to get answers in batches.
I tried this because it was depressing to see the text appear little by little.

Make it compatible with Line
Using OpenAI’s API, you can use Google Apps Script to support LINE to receive answers to replies easily and in bulk.
It is possible to put this into practice free of charge.
If you can use it on LINE, you can easily use it as if you were Googling.
Please check the following article for more details.
Make it compatible with Slack
Using OpenAI’s API, you can use Google Apps Script to support Slack, making it easy for your team to touch and receive responses to replies in bulk.
This is a free practice.
If you can integrate it into Slack, it would be convenient for your team to touch it easily.
Please check out the following article for more details.
We are pleased to present an article on easy access to chat GPTs.
If you can touch the latest AI chatbot embedded in LINE or Slack, you can make some progress.
Please give it a try.